The Xothotics Exoskeleton System

The Xothotics Full Body Brace Exoskeleton System (Patent Pending) is a complete full body weight exoskeleton offloading system designed to work harmoniously with the body to provide support and control to compensate for those areas of the body that are either missing or struggling to cope.

Key to the system is the custom designed exoskeleton rotation limited hip joint - designed to provide rotation controlled freedom of movement in a forwards and backwards direction, whilst completely restricting any sideways ( lateral ) movement. The joint is capable of carrying full upper body weight captured by the upper body back brace and transferring it externally via the exoskeleton to the leg assembly.

The upper body back brace is a custom designed carbon fibre based structure which is designed to capture the upper body weight without placing excessive pressure on the axillary nerves.

"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."

Helen Keller

The joint is capable of carrying full upper body weight captured by the upper body back brace and transferring it externally via the exoskeleton to the leg assembly

Connection to the upper body back brace and to the lower leg assembly is made using mounting arms which are integral to the rotation limited hip joint and are attached and detached with a unique custom designed cam operated lever mechanism to allow for easy donning and removal.

The leg assembly is connected to the users shoe by a custom designed  exoskeleton ankle joint assembly which allows for the user to rapidly attach a modified shoe via a simple twisting motion. This allows for the modified shoe to be worn completely normally beforehand and makes for very easy attachment of the leg assembly when required. 

"Synergy - the bonus that is achieved when things work together harmoniously."

Mark Twain